News Listing
Showing 70 of 334 results
California condor nestling first confirmed young of 2019 at Vermilion Cliffs National Monument
VERMILION CLIFFS, Ariz. — Many already know that northern Arizona’s picturesque, red-rocked, steeply eroded Vermilion Cliffs are home to a bounty of wildlife. However, today it’s also home to the state’s...
From zero to five hundred, Aplomado Falcons are on the “fast”-track to recovery in south Texas
BOISE, Idaho (6 June 2019) – Twenty-four years may seem like a long time to humans, but when it comes to recovering a species that had completely disappeared in the United States, that time tends to fly...
FUNDSY Announces 2019/20 Beneficiary
FUNDSY, Inc., is the first successful charity auction that impacts the community of Boise and has raised more than $8.2 million for various capital campaigns.
FUNDSY, Inc. has announced that The Peregrine...
In Memoriam: Tom J. Cade Ph.D. 1928 – 2019 Founding Chairman
On a spring day in 1980, Dr. Tom Cade climbed into a Peregrine Falcon nest box on top of a release tower in Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey. Just a couple of years earlier, Tom’s team of...
20 Critically Endangered vultures dead from poisoning
Nairobi, Kenya –On Sunday morning, 27th January, 2019, Eric Ole Reson of The Peregrine Fund and the Masai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association discovered 20 dead and five critically ill vultures. All...
It’s time for your family to take a field trip to the World Center for Birds of Prey!
Are you and your family feeling cooped up this winter? Spread your wings and get out of the house to join The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey in celebrating Family Field Trip Weekend on...
Recent death of threatened Martial Eagle underscores the need for urgent action to stop electrocutions of birds of prey in Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya – The death of a threatened Martial Eagle this past week, is a tragic reminder that bird death by electrocution is a global problem that has been aggravated by increases in the energy...
California Condors will soon take flight, but not how you might expect!
A group of The Peregrine Fund’s California Condors will soon be unfurling their nine and a half foot wings to soar the skies of central California, but first they have to get from The World Center for...
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust provides essential seed funding to The Peregrine Fund for program that will improve raptor conservation efforts
Wildlife conservation received a boost today from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust which provided essential seed funding to The Peregrine Fund, a global raptor conservation organization headquartered in...
Wildlife webcams can harness the power of citizen scientists
Dr. Sarah Schulwitz, Director of The Peregrine Fund’s American Kestrel Partnership, had a burning question. The Peregrine Fund had been hosting a web camera for the past six years to enable the public to...